
The way that you sit at the computer, where the keyboard is, where you chair is, and how the screen is set up, is vital for efficient typing as well as for your health. It is very difficult to explain the correct posture, and I strongly recommend that you seek professional help. The following points are important:

  • Feet flat on the floor.
  • Chair high enough that your thighs slope downwards slightly. If you don't have a height adjustable chair, use cushions or pillows to get the right height.
  • The desk should be high enough for your forearms to be roughly parallel to the floor.
  • The centre of the screen should be just below eye height, so you are looking very slightly downwards
  • Your arms should reach all the keys on the keyboard without stretching
  • The screen should be in a comfortable position, and free from distracting reflections
  • Wear glasses if you need them, otherwise you'll really need them
  • Take breaks every now and then, move around and stretch. Also, let your eyes focus on something a long way away from time to time - take a look at the window
  • Any feeling of stress or strain is a sign that something is wrong!
  • This advice is provided in good faith but without liability. Square Eyes Software cannot be held liable in loss or injury caused by obeying this advice. You type at your own risk